34750 Whisper Heights Parkway, Winchester, CA 92596


Baptism is the first Sacrament of Christian Initiation and a joyous time in the Catholic Church


Baptisms are held once a month on Saturdays. Parents who seek to have their children baptized (ages 0-6) may contact Anita Rodriguez, Sacramental Secretary, via e-mail (arodriguez@smtoc.church) or call 951-325-7707 ext 1008.  You may also click on the form below to and scroll down to find all the requirements.  After you complete the forms, please bring them to our office. 

Baptismal Package - English                                Formas para Bautizos - Español

2025 Baptism & Class Schedule - English/Español

Parents Requirements:     
-Attend a Baptismal class  (See Schedule above) Provide copy of certificate of completion.                                                                                                                                                           
- Provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate. 

Selecting Godparents:
- Godparents need to be 16 years of age or older and have received all sacraments

- Fully initiated Catholic - Baptized, 1st Communion & Confirmation ( Non Catholics are witnesses only)
- You may have 1 or 2 Godparents. If two Godparents are selected, one must be male and the other female.
- Seen as role models of the Catholic faith for they represent the whole church.
- Must attend a pre baptismal class.   (Unless attended a class within the last three years.  Please provide a copy of certificate of completion.)
- If married, must be married in the Catholic Church.

- You may also have 1 or 2 Christian Witnesses  (baptized non- Catholics) present and listed on the Baptismal certificate. If two Christian Witnesses are chosen, they must have one female and one male.


Baptisms for older Children (7+)  and Adults / Bautizos para niños (7+) y Adultos

Children over the age of 7 will need to complete our Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC).  Please contact Jennifer Heffernan at jheffernan@smtoc.church for requirements and program information.

Niños mayores de 7 años necesitan completar el Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Niños.  Para mas informacion contacte a Suzy Lewis (slewis@smtoc.church).

18 years and older are required to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program of formation culminating in celebration of full initiation into the Catholic Church at the celebration of the Easter Vigil. Please contact Gary Tucker for more information at RCIA@smtoc.church

Mayores de 18 años requieren participacion en el  programa del Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana (RICA)para Adultos el cual culmina con la celebracion de iniciacion plena en la fe catolica durante la celebracion de la Vigilia Pascual.  Para mas informacion contacte a Emilia Palomino (RICA@smtoc.church.