Ushers are the Welcoming Committee/Ambassadors of our Church. This ministry is a great opportunity to meet parishioners while serving a vital service in the performance of the Mass.
They greet parishioners and guests as they enter our Church, make sure gift bearers are available to bring up the gifts of bread and wine, help seat people, assist with the Offertory collection baskets, direct Communion lines and ensure those who cannot go up for Holy communion receive communion.
After Mass, ushers pass out the bulletin and assist anyone who has specials needs in leaving the church.
For more info on this ministry, please contact Brian Le at
Altar Server
This ministry of assistance at the Holy Altar of the Lord is open to young men and women who have received First Eucharist. Altar Servers must obtain parental permission and agree to comply with a dress code when serving. Altar Servers are assigned to assist the clergy at Sunday Mass, Holy days, wedding and funeral liturgies.
For more info on this ministry, please contact Mario Flores at
A Lector (sometimes called a Reader) is a lay person who is called to proclaim the Word of God at Mass or other worship services. The Lector proclaims the First Reading (usually from the Old Testament) or the Second Reading (always from the New Testament). The Gospel is always proclaimed by the deacon or presiding priest.
The Lector brings the Word of God to the assembly just as the Eucharistic Ministers assist in bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward to receive Communion.
For more info on this ministry, please contact Chris Nguyen at
Extraordinaty Minister of the Holy Communion
The “ordinary” minister to distribute communion is a bishop, priest or deacon. This means that administering communion is part of their normal role in the church. Following Vatican II allowances have been made for lay ministers, having been duly trained and commissioned by the local bishop, to help minister communion. They are called “extraordinary” ministers of communion as they are not clergy.
Every Extraordinary Minister of Communion is graced to hold the Body or Blood of Christ in their hands and have the joy of sharing the Body or Blood of Christ with others, an important role in the celebration of the liturgy. Must be Confirmed to be a part of this ministry.
For more info on this ministry, please contact Martin Lowe at
Sacristans are a small group of devoted parishioners responsible for detailed attention to all the physical elements of liturgies, including weekday and weekend Masses, baptisms, funerals, weddings, holy hours, and other special liturgical events. Sacristans care for the sacred vessels, cloths, books, altar breads, wine, candles, incense, baptismal items, and furnishings. They ensure all the necessary items are available and in their proper place before and after each Mass and everything is clean and stored until the next time the items are needed.
For more info on this ministry, please contact Quan Pham at