34750 Whisper Heights Parkway, Winchester, CA 92596

Youth Ministry

 Welcome to St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Youth Ministry!

We invite and encourage all high school teens to join our youth ministry to grow in faith and build a community here in our Parish.



Any participant who is not currently enrolled in our Confirmation program must fill out and sign this form  Youth Ministry Permission Slip (and have his or her parent or legal guardian sign it as well) in order to attend our events. For Youth Ministry Events that are located outside of the parish grounds, a separate form must be signed by all participants (regardless of Confirmation enrollment.)

Our 5 pm Sunday night Mass is our Youth Mass!

We are always looking for more teens and young adults  (under 35 years old) to help serve in various Mass ministries (Lector, Altar Servers, Music Ministry, Ushers, and Extraordinary Eucharist Ministers). Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers must be Confirmed. If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, please contact Jennifer Heffernan at jheffernan@smtoc.church or meet her after mass. No prior experience required - we will train you! 

For more information on the Confirmation process, please check this page.