Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ
“A Cursillo weekend is three days long... but it can last a lifetime!”
What is Cursillo? There is almost as many answers as there are people. To some it's a new breath of life, a dynamic new expression of the Holy Spirit. The experience of living for three days in a community of persons who are consciously trying to live as Christians. Part of the purpose of a Cursillo weekend is to help us recognize Christ's action in our lives and the lives of others. The word "Cursillo" is Spanish for short course; the long name is Cursillo de Cristiandad or a short course in Christian living, and is pronounced Kur-see-yo.
Cursillo is...
•Joy •Love •New Life •Renewal •Learning •Discussing •Listening •Changing •Growing
Discussing and Learning
You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas of Christianity with others. Cursillo helps to clarify many Church teachings, and a great deal of learning takes place. A Cursillo Weekend is NOT a retreat. There is no fasting; there are no long periods of silence, and there is very little solitude.
Approaching Cursillo
§ Be curious
§ Be open to what happens and live in the now
§ Be honest with yourself when assessing where you are in your pilgrimage of life
§ Know that a specific response is not expected of you
§ Allow others to respond in their way, and yourself to respond in your way
Each Cursillo Offer
- A potential for growth
- An opportunity for discovering more of the meaning of life
- A sharing in the creative process of becoming and recognizing that we are:
§ "fellow strugglers", not finished products
§ A way of renewal in the Church
§ An experience of continuing Christian Community
Who Will Be At Cursillo
- Other candidates like yourself - laity and clergy - who are curious, searching, discovering and growing.
- Cursillistas who have formed in a team consisting of laity and clergy who have spent several months working together preparing for the weekend.
- Cursillo is open to anyone who is on a Christian Walk. The potential candidate makes application through a Cursillista who acts as a sponsor.
Candidates should...
- Be Catholic
- Be free to spend Thursday night through Sunday afternoon away from home, although there is a willing Community eager to help if necessary.
- Complete the application, including signatures of sponsor and clergy
Coordinator: Fernando Olvera