Welcome to St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish, a growing Roman Catholic community of the San Bernardino Diocese, serving those in Winchester, Murrieta, and French Valley. We are a church filled with good servants following the example of St. Mother Teresa and yearning for a close relationship with Jesus Christ. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Pet 4:10).
Being new can be both an exciting and anxious time. We have many active ministries within the parish that can help you get comfortable within our parish and in the community. We encourage you to reach out and join one. Below is a list of ministries and the contact person for the ministry. If you have not had a chance yet to register with the parish we encourage you to do so please fill out the registration form (two pages, links below) and bring it to the church office or email to contactus@smtoc.church.
“Let us always meet with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”
– St. Mother Teresa ♥
Parish Registration Form (PDF)*
* If emailing the registration form, please send to contactus@smtoc.church
** Si envía el formulario de registro por correo electrónico, envíelo a contactus@smtoc.church