34750 Whisper Heights Parkway, Winchester, CA 92596

USCCB Pastoral Plan

The USCCB Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life - Activities organizes pro-life programming into four pillars.

Public Information and Education - Educate yourself and inform others about all the pro-life issues. Being educated about important pro-life issues and principles is key to effectively defend and promote them. Learn more about Respect Life Information and Education.

Pastoral Care and Outreach - The culture of life will grow as long as we are each willing to play our part. While not everyone is called to full-time prolife ministry or advocacy, we are all called to help build the culture of life within our families and communities.

Prayer and Worship - Prayer may be considered the most powerful tool we have for building a culture of life. Where abortion is widespread and assisted suicide is legal, initiatives that offer tangible opportunities to pray and fast in solidarity with others who are committed to promoting the sanctity of human life are important. Join one of the committed prayer groups or begin one of your own.

Public Policy and Legislative Contacts - Participating in the Public Square has never been easier. Contacting your legislators at both the state and national levels to express your opinions about proposed legislation or to register concern over a particular issue is as simple as sending a text, writing an email or leaving a voicemail.